This section is where you can find the details of any special events other than bowls matches.
1. Whist Drive: Saturday 14 September. £5/head, refreshments included. (Event is for club members only)
2. Presentation evening - Saturday 12 October.
The final big night of the outdoors season is the Club's Presentation Evening, which will be held on Saturday 12 October 2024 at the
Wolversdene Club – please add your name to the list on the noticeboard in the clubhouse. This is an enjoyable evening with excellent buffet and entertainment from Chris Berntsen, singer and entertainer.
This will be succeeded by the Club's AGM, which will be held on Monday 4 November. The list for nominations of officers and committee members is already up on the notice board in the clubhouse. Any proposals need to be with the Secretary, Sue Milton, by Sunday 20 October 2024.